‘Mindbenders 2’ is Coming! Now!!
Yes, I’ve said it before but now you can see it.
‘Mindbenders 2: Under the Radar’ is almost ready for publication (I just have to finish writing it, that’s all). Beginning today, the website has a new look, there’s an amazing new video by Adrian Garcia Gomez (more of those to come) and a chapter from the new book to be published on the new homepage and here. There will be more changes to this site (cleaning up menus and categories, housekeeping) as soon as I dig out my WordPress book…
I’ll be posting the first excerpt on this page this afternoon. I know it’s duplication but this blog page serves subscribers (both of them) and gets picked up by Google searches so I’ll be duplicating the stories here and on the new homepage. New excerpts and videos will continue showing up on this site regularly as we count down to publication.
This is where the action is, so stay tuned!