Renewal – Is That Another River in Egypt?
I’ve been silent for a while and, as anyone who knows me will tell you, silence isn’t my natural state.
I think, after the election, I just didn’t know what to say–and so much of what followed was so angry and unthinking, when it wasn’t just preaching to the (various) choirs, that I’ve had a hard time imagining what I have to offer.
But I think I’m getting there now.
I have a new book that’s close to finished (fingers crossed). It arises from the following point of view:
This is the most ridiculous fucking crazy-ass circus that’s existed since Nero tuned his fiddle and we’ve got a ringside seat. It isn’t pretty, to say the least, but while everything is coming apart at the seams, we should at least try to notice just how funny and sad and just plain nuts it is.
And suddenly, looking at things that way, it feels like there’s quite a lot left to say.
Stay tuned…