About Iraq, PTSD and ‘Mindbenders’
If you ‘re looking for my dispatches from Thrillerfest, they appear directly below this post:
Those of you who’ve read ‘Mindbenders’ know that the character who tells the story, Greg Hirsch, is a PTSD Iraq vet. I did a bunch of reading to prepare for his character and had a longstanding friendship with a couple of Vietnam vets but never managed to make a connection with the younger guys. So I sweated that part of the book more than any other, because I took on a special responsibility with that character.
I got this email this morning from a woman who got the book in a Goodreads giveaway. It means more to me than any response I’ve ever gotten:
Hi Ted,
This is a very difficult book for me. My son was in Fallujah 10 years ago. Reading passages of your book brings it all back so fresh. It steals my breath and makes me cry. Even though he is home and is now walking better than when he came home the mental pain is still there as it was back then. I think you did a fantastic job making it real. If for nothing else, the way you bring Greg and his PTSD to life, makes this book an important read. Everyone who thinks that they should not support the soldiers because they don’t believe in the war should be required to read this. As difficult as reading it is I am grateful you wrote it and permitted me to read it. Thank you.
For more information on the book and to purchase, click here.